Frequently asked questions

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Here are answers to some common questions around joining.

What are the age ranges for young people joining Scouts?

See our admissions policy: entry/transfer ages.

Why does 1st Ponteland Scout Group have a waiting list?

Scouting in Ponteland is very popular which means that there may be a waiting list for some of our sections.

How long will a young person remain on the waiting list?

A young person will remain on a waiting list until they are old enough to join their preferred section and/or until a place becomes available in this section. The Group Registrar will contact a parent when the group is able to offer a place.

How often do new intakes and transfers take place?

Group intakes occur 3 times a year, at the beginning of a new term, to accommodate existing members moving through from the younger sections and new children starting.

What is the membership process?

You can find this on our How to apply page.

What is the Registration fee?

This fee covers the cost of the Scout necker, woggle and badges which are all presented to the young person at their Investiture Ceremony. When a place is confirmed, you will be sent details of the registration fee and subscription.

Do young people automatically transfer from one section to the next when they are old enough?

When a young person is eligible to transfer to the next section and/or a place becomes available in this section, the Group Registrar will contact parents to discuss a transfer. Young people do not automatically transfer when they reach an eligible age, they must wait until the next intake, which is at the beginning of a new term.

What is OSM (Online Scout Manager)?

Online Scout Manager is a management tool used widely across the Scouting Community. 1st Ponteland Scout Group uses OSM to manage our sections, group activities, programmes, badges and communication with parents.

How does a parent keep the details up to date for their young person?

When first joining 1st Ponteland Scout Group parents receive an invite to access the record of their young person in Online Scout Manager (OSM). Using the login details created at that time, parents can keep details for their young person up to date. It’s essential that data is accurate so leaders are aware of allergies and parents can be contacted quickly, especially in the event of an accident.

What happens at an Investiture?

The Investiture, or joining ceremony, is an important event in a young person’s Scouting life. Investitures usually take place 3 to 4 weeks after a member has joined the group. Parents and family members are welcome to attend.

Before the Investiture takes place the leader will discuss with the young person what will happen at the ceremony and the promise they must make. The Investiture is led by the leader and during the ceremony the young person will be presented with their section necker, woggle and Scout and district badges.